Metropolitan water district.
Scale: Several counties
Role: Contractor
Description: Special district that contracts water from the State Water Project and Colorado River Aqueduct, then sells to member agencies. Established through the Metropolitan Water District Act of 1927.
Number: 1
Governance structure: 37 directors appointed by member agencies. Each member has at least one representative, with additional representatives based on each agency's assessed valuation.
Municipal water district.
Scale: Several cities
Role: Contractor, wholesaler, retailer
Description: Special district that typically wholesales water to member agencies. Established through the Municipal Water District Laws of 1911 and 1935.
Number: 7
Governance structure: 5 to 7 directors elected by registered voters. Each director represents a division.
City retailer.
Scale: City, portion of city
Role: Wholesaler, retailer
Description: Publicly-owned utility. Serves some or all consumers within city limits (and sometimes beyond).
Number: 41
Governance structure: 5 to 7 City Council members elected by city residents, or Commissioners appointed by the Mayor and/or the City Council.
Investor-owned utility.
Scale: City, portion of city
Role: Retailer
Description: Private company that sells water for profit. Some IOUs are part of multinational corporations, and most are publicly-traded. The California Public Utilities Commission regulates operations and rates of return.
Number: 8
Governance structure: 9 to 11 directors elected by corporate stockholders.
Mutual water company.
Scale: Portion of city
Role: Wholesaler, retailer
Description: Private, non-profit company. Must submit basic company information to the California Department of Corporations.
Number: 24
5 to 7 directors elected by shareholders. Shares are often based on the amount or value of land owned, restricting the vote to property owners.
County water district.
Scale: City, portion of city
Role: Retailer
Description: Special district. Established through the County Water District Law of 1913.
Number: 9
Governance structure: 5 directors elected by registered voters.
California water district (or water district).
Scale: City, portion of city
Role: Wholesaler, retailer
Description: Special district. Established through the California Water District Law of 1913.
Number: 1
Governance structure: 5 directors elected by registered voters (originally voting was based on the assessed value of land).
Irrigation district.
Scale: Portion of city
Role: Retailer
Description: Special district originally formed to serve agricultural land. Established through the Irrigation District Law of 1897.
Number: 3
Governance structure: 5 directors elected by registered voters.